Ahad, November 02, 2008

Apa yang harus kulakukan?

Kadang-kadang nasib tidak menyebelahi diri dalam perjalanan hidup ini. Adakalanya, diri terlalu dekat dengan impian, tetapi dijarakkan oleh birokrasi dan peraturan yang entah apa-apa. Diri ini dikatakan berharga tetapi tidak pernah dihargai. Inilah rencah kehidupan. Dan aku tidak pernah menyesali apa-apa, kerana aku percaya kepada qada dan qadar-Nya. Apakah yang harus kulakukan, akan berakhir dengan pertanyaan demi pertanyaan. Akan tetapi jawapannya ada pada orang lain.

4 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

How very true,Sir and at times the truth hurts bad.

I'm now teaching in an island for the past 10 years.!0 long years.My elder son was 61 days when i first reported in my present school.I worked hard..real hard.I parked my car by the jetty,walked to the ferry and take another van to school.Everyday,and of the same routine.

Afetr 10 long years,I had asked for a transfer and the first question i got from the PPD was.."Do you have problem in the school?"

How depressing!I needed to have problem to be in another school?

I didnt reply.I got my answer.I shall not beg.I have no "cable"..they say ..

I didnt want to accept that too.

And so i leave my boys in the morning each day,and only get to see the sun once out of the ferry everyday.I "leave" my family as i touch the jetty of my destiny and give my heart and soul to my students.I closed my eyes every 27 mins ride from school till the jetty and walk again to my car and set my brain back for my beloved family,telling myself i shall go back to the school tmorow.

Luck is not on my side,as u say,Sir?

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Salam Doc,
hidup ini memang dahsyat.
Tapi, Dia Maha Mengetahui
apa yang berlaku di sebalik
Kita perlu berdoa kerana
itu senjata orang-orang
Selebihnya, Dia Maha Berkuasa.
Biarlah kalau ada org niat tak baik
atas tindakannya kepada kita, kita
bersabar dan terus mencari jalan jangan berhenti walaupun sesaat = macam kata Obama, he he. Ada lagi
org yg lebih teruk, contohnya macam
aku.... Asam garam hidup memang sukar untuk ditebak.
Gua tetap respect Doc.

Ghazali Lateh berkata...

Yong Ila and Aminhad!
Thanks for sharing what I'd to say to voice out my feeling. Yong Ila, sometimes we need to be an outlaw to make people know our presence. But most of the times we are treated as an outlaw for doing nothing to declare our presence.
Just keep on trying as I do, but do not put a great hope... Life is like this.

Amin, kadang-kadang kehidupan ini seperti sudah ditentukan jalan dan arah tujuan kita. Tabahlah menempuhinya. Pasti cahaya akan ada, pasti ada dan kita akan bahagia.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Salam doc, tk,
Ya, betul barangkali kalau tak

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